Recovery begins when one alcoholic talks with another alcoholic. Keep talking!
More Entries
- I’m not talking a cup of cheap gin splashed over an ice cube
- Recovery from addiction requires hard work, a proper attitude and learning skills to stay sober
- Recovery from addiction requires hard work, a proper attitude and learning skills to stay sober, not drinking alcohol or using
- Talking to a drunk person was like talking to an extremely happy,
- Talking on a cell phone distracts motorists as much as having a
- A man who drinks too much on occasion is still the same man as he
- A Few Reasons Why Alcoholism and Marriage Don’t Mix Alcoholics tend
- It’s better to be a worldwide alcoholic, than an Alcoholic Anonymous.
- “One not only drinks the wine, one smells it, observes it, tastes it, sips it and – one talks about it.”
- Alcohol addiction stunts the spiritual,