May your sex life be as good as your credit.
To curses | Alcohol Sayings, Liquor Quotes
May your nose run and your feet smell.
May your nose run and your feet smell.
May you never go to hell, but always be on your way.
May you never go to hell, but always be on your way.
May you never develop stomach problem
May you never develop stomach problem
from too rich a diet.
May you be proof that a human being
May you be proof that a human being
can endure anything.
May you be alone in paradise.
May you be alone in paradise.
May the greatest doctors in the world know of your case.
May the greatest doctors in the world know of your case.
May the devil make a ladder of your backbone while he is picking apples in the garden of hell.
May the devil make a ladder of your backbone while he is picking apples in the garden of hell.
May the devil cut the toes off all our foes, that we may know them by their limping.
May the devil cut the toes off all our foes, that we may know them by their limping.
May his soul be forever tormented by fire and his bones be dug up by dogs and dragged through the streets of Minneapolis. . .
May his soul be forever tormented by fire and his bones be dug up by dogs and dragged through the streets of Minneapolis. . .