“Stick thirteen black-headed pins into the cork of the bottle that gave you the hangover.” — Haitian Voodoo Curse
“Stick thirteen black-headed pins into the cork of the bottle that gave you the hangover.” — Haitian Voodoo Curse
“I know Bacchus, the god of wine, for he smells of nectar; but all I know of the god of beer is that he smells of the billy goat.” — Emperor Julian the Apostate, 361 CE
“No verse can give pleasure for long, nor last, that is written by water-drinkers.” — Horace
“I believe, if we take habitual drunkards as a class, their heads and their hearts will bear an advantageous comparison with those of any other class. There seems ever to have been a proneness in the brilliant and warm-blooded to fall into this vice.” — Abraham Lincoln, 1842
“Mankind: The animal that fears the future and desires fermented beverages.” — Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, 1755-1826
“Oatcakes are a delicate relish when eaten warm with ale.” — Robert Burns
“We’re in different businesses (than big brewers). We both make something called beer, but they don’t really taste much alike. The big brewers are of a completely different mindset. A-B has more in common with Coca-Cola than they do with us. That’s not to say their beer is bad. It’s just different from what we make. If you look at their advertising you see they are trying to sell lifestyle.” — Brock Wagner, St. Arnold Brewing founder
“Not everybody is strong enough to endure life without an anesthetic. Drink probably averts more gross crime than it causes.” — George Bernard Shaw
“I wish you a Malty Christmas
And a Hoppy New Year,
A pocket full of money
And a cellar full of Beer!”
— Anonymous Toast
“Make sure that the beer — four pints a week — goes to the troops under fire before any of the parties in the rear get a drop.” — Winston Churchill