If you know someone who tries to drown their sorrows, you might tell them sorrows know how to swim. — Ann Landers
Addiction Sayings | Alcohol Sayings, Liquor Quotes
Addiction doesn’t kill the addict. It kills the family, kids and people who tried to help!
Addiction doesn’t kill the addict. It kills the family, kids and people who tried to help!
What is addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood
What is addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood. — Alice Miller
In the 1960s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal
In the 1960s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal
Drugs have taught an entire generation of American kids the metric system.
Drugs have taught an entire generation of American kids the metric system. — P.J. O’Rourke
I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting for some blind, random disaster
I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting for some blind, random disaster, or some sudden disease, the addict has the comfort of knowing what will most likely wait for him down the road. He’s taken some control over his ultimate fate, and his addiction keeps the cause of death from being a total surprise. — Chuck Palahniuk
You know you’re an alcoholic when you misplace things for like a decade.
You know you’re an alcoholic when you misplace things for like a decade. — Paul Williams
I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge
I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom. — Edgar Allan Poe
The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely
The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope. — Russell Brand
Addiction is a symptom of not growing up. — C. C. DeVille
Addiction is a symptom of not growing up. — C. C. DeVille