“Nothing is more pleasurable than to sit in the shade, sip gin and contemplate other people’s adulteries, and while the wormy apple of marriage still lives, the novel will not die.” — John Skow
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- “But I will say that the drugs are much more ferocious then they used to be. There are people wrecking their lives with addiction, which seems much more severe.”
- “Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of Chambertin.”
- The Irish people do not gladly suffer common sense.
- The devil in the bottle destroys lives, families and careers
- “Addiction is a monster; it lives inside, and feeds off of you, takes from you,
- Addiction is a monster; it lives inside, and feeds off of you, takes from you, controls you, and destroys you
- Alcohol is a pervasive fact of life, but an extraordinary
- People use drugs, legal and illegal, because their lives are intolerably painful
- There are those descended from an unawakened race of
- “Wine speaks to all the senses: the eyes behold the color, tone, and shade