“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra
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- “If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that.”
- “If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking and loving, you
- “Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
- You are welcome here Be at your ease Get up when ready Go to bed when you please.
- If addiction is primarily obsession and compulsion, then whenever you feel like you don’t have a choice, you are in the radar of an addiction.
- If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking and loving, you don’t actually live longer; it just seems longer.
- Remember, you’re not being forced to give up a good friend who has treated you well. Instead, you are finally ridding yourself of an enemy.
- “If you are aware of your weaknesses and are constantly learning, your potential is virtually limitless.”
- “You can come out of the furnace of trouble two ways: if you let if consume you, you come out a cinder; but there is a kind of metal which refuses to be consumed, and comes out a star.”
- If you resolve to give up smoking and drinking