“Doubt thou the stars are fire; doubt that the sun doth move; doubt truth to be a liar; but never doubt I love you. I love thee, I love but thee with a love that shall not die. ‘Til the sun grows cold and the stars grow old.” Shakespeare, writer, “Hamlet.”
More Entries
- The wine-cup is the little silver well, Where truth, if truth there be, doth dwell.
- O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by
- The wine-cup is the little silver well, Where truth, if truth there be, doth dwell.
- The wine-cup is the little silver well, Where truth
- In so much as love grows in you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
- Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye;
- “Of all my favorite things to do, The utmost is to have a brew. My love grows for my foamy friend,
- “Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
- The test of Gold is Fire The test of Truth is Time
- Come, thou monarch of the vine, Plumpy Bacchus with pink eye.